Monday, November 10, 2008


So, apparently I take my cookie decorating pretty seriously....
C'mon though, look at the detail on this ghost!
Jake, Danny, and Dylan putting as much candy as possible on their cookies. It's not like they wont get enough trick-or-treating :)
Luke helping Uncle Brandon out with his pumpkin. So I guess 1 knife was not enough. "This is definitely going to take two!" Dylan doesn't like the "icky guts" stuff. He's more the architect behind the scenes. Luke and his awesome costume thanks to Uncle Brandon for his UPS hook up and Dad for his homemade dolly. He was definitely the hit of the Trunk or Treat.

What a group...Allie-the mystical green fairy with her "piece of junk" wings (her words, not mine), Luke - your local delivery man, and Grandpa with Tryg-the furry blue glow in the dark monster :).

Mom and her monster.Posted by Picasa


  1. Can I just tell you how excited I am that you have a blog?!?!?!!? You DO need to update...what kind of attitude is that? Your boys are adorable and the UPS costume is hilarious! You DO need a girl-although mine came with a lot more attitude than I wanted!

  2. Great job Jo and Mark. Loved the captions and the pictures, too. I have so many talented children I don't know what to do!
    Mommy Cox

  3. Great job Jo and Mark. Loved the pictures and the captions! I have so many talented kids I don't know what to do!
    Mommy Cox

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Great blog Joanne. My sister got me into it too. I update when I get to it. Most of the time when I want to change the wallpaper, I forget and have to ask Suz, how to do it! LOL

