Sunday, May 16, 2010

A little boy time...and a little "ME" time

A couple weeks ago (yes, I'm totally behind as usual) Mark decided to take the boys camping. He set a goal this year of taking his boys camping at least once a quarter and so far so good! Last time he took just Dylan and Luke but this time I said "Maybe you could take tryg too?" thinking that he was going to look at me like I was crazy...but he said "I can do that". WoooHooo!!! Score!! One night of complete peace and quiet for me. I could even go out (with myself of course which is how I like it sometimes) for as long as I wanted! Granted, I usually fall asleep these days on the couch by 10pm but that's not the point. I was FREE!!! I was a little excited to say the least :).
Here are some pics from their overnight adventure....
Apparently Tryg liked the smores but not how they stuck to his fingers... Three snug as a bug little boys in a tent. Tryg was loving his new Buzz Light Year sleeping bag (thanks Grandma Olson!). This was Tryg's first time in a sleeping bag and he did pretty well. He thought they were pretty cool and had fun trying to find his brothes in them.Nothing like a little chocolate donuts and milk in the morning. Luke looks a little cold :) What is it about boys and sticks? Luke loves to find them and then take them home and sleep with them. Dylan just hanging out in a tree Not sure it gets much cuter than that! So what did I do? Well...I got a pedicure and manicure, went shopping, and then came home..watched a chick flick and spread out in my bed all night! Nobody woke me up in the middle of the night or the next morning. It was heaven! Allthough I must say that I eventually did miss the little screams and chaos that usually fill our home but it was nice to have a little "me" time. I love that Mark has made this a priority for his boys. It's stuff they will remember forever! THANKS MARK!!!


  1. that last picture is so cute! where does Mark take them for camping? we need to go somewhere this summer - plus the boys just missed the father and sons this weekend cuz everyone was sick. they need to get their camp on!

  2. Such cute pictures, especially the last one holding hands. What a great Dad! And now with the foot you really appreciate him,don't you Jo! You are really quite spoiled! But you deserve him!

  3. I have already told Adam all about Mark's goal.... hint hint :) I think it's pretty awesome that he does that.

  4. What a great dad!! And to take pictures too?!?! I'm impressed. The last one of the boys from behind is great!! Glad you enjoyed your time!!

    David took my 2 older boys to the F&S campout this past weekend. The little ones went to bed early and Vilate spent the night at a friends. Faith and enjoyed some quality Mother/Daughter time! Love those F&S activities!!

  5. How fun for you to have them all gone for a night! And fun for them too! Steve camped outside with Eli Friday night so I had the bed to myself too...with Oliver. It was HEAVEN to have so much space!

  6. I am just seeing this post...I knew it had happened but it was fun to see the pictures. Perhaps, eventually Brandon and Timmy will be joining them :)
