Sunday, April 3, 2011

birthdays....and a little MJ

Playing a little catch up with birthdays. Tryg turned 3 earlier this year....and yet...the terrible two's are still in full force! He's even picked up a few new tantrum tactics. He got the totally awesome crown in Nursery at Church and wore it all day. Now...anytime someone mentions a birthday, Tryg runs and gets his birthday crown and proudly displays it.

Tryg and his "best friend" Luke are inseparable these days. You can usually find them fighting, playing, or just wreaking havoc...most of the time being really loud and slightly obnoxious!

My "crazies" as I like to lovingly call them.
The last few months have been all about I had to deliver. I think it turned out pretty cute...
Tryg seemed to enjoy it.
I think Timmy was determined to fit the whole thing into his mouth at once.
Happy Birthday to my (hopefully) last baby boy!
Next up was Dylan who turned double digits a couple weeks later. Shopping for a 10 year old is pretty tough. He's at a weird age where a lot of the kid toys are too kiddish but he's not quite old enough for the next phase of IPOD's, cell phones, and other electronic gadgets. So...we settled on a lava lamp, some Padre stuff, his first pocket knife, and a chess set from Brandon and Melanie.
He's been learning to play chess at the local library and has picked it up quickly and loves playing. The only problem...he wants Mom to play and I'll be honest... I just don't have the patience for a game like that. I'm more of a rock, paper, scissors kind of girl. 1,2,3 DONE! He even tried to teach me. kind of went in one ear and out the other. Luckily Mark has taken over for me on that one. Dylan's even teaching Luke how to play.
This is Dylan's latest ready made "FORT". Mark's a little frustrated that he built Dylan a whole new bedroom and this is where he wants to hang out! He likes to get away from the "crazies" and I guess this is a good place to hide. I'm not worried....Mark's a little concerned :)
Now for the cake.... At first he asked for a Bey Blade cake. WHAT? For those of you with boys, you'll know what I'm talking about. Basically it's this spinning top toy thing where you collect a bunch of em and then use them to battle eachother. Yea... I talked him into this one instead...
Happy Birthday to Dylan!!! Now....bring on the PRE-teen!
And...we can't leave Miss Molly J. out of this post. Her latest and greatest: SITTING and SPITTING!
I'm loving the blue eyes and dimples!!! Still waiting for the hair...
and....that's THE END!


  1. CUTE!!!! See.... post a bunch of cute pictures ( after the kids are all in bed) and being a mom feels great!! haha seriously we are very blessed :) Loved conference. I feel rejuvenated :)

  2. Yea...well maybe that's what Blog's are good for...capturing the "good" stuff :)

  3. love the new header of the blog!! so cute. and brent has a BIG crush on Molly.

  4. So cute!! Sorry we missed all the fun. I know Parker would have loved to been there. Someday we'll get back to CA. You are so talented in so many ways!

  5. Cute, Cute. Cute4, Cute!!!! One cute for each cute kid! Great pictures and story. Made me smile. Must be good genes!!
    Love, Mommy Cox

  6. I am finally catching up on blogs...and your new look is great :) I love the picture of Luke and Tryg with their arms around each other looking happy but also a little mischievous. Crazies..that is pretty funny too---I wonder what my two will be like together!
