Sunday, May 29, 2011

bowling, beach, baseball, and bunnies

It's still spring right? Guess I better post some of these pics from spring break before summer gets here. Mark's sister Jen came down from Visalia with her family and lets just say by the middle of the week, the agenda of activities had me a bit exhausted! The week started off with a little bowling action... It got a little crazy. Note to self: big heavy bowling balls and toddlers probably not the best combination. They definitely had a good time despite the chaos and I think I even broke 100 for my final score. Next up on the agenda...a day at the beach
just a bunch of cute faces...Surprisingly they're pretty clean too.
This one's a keeper for Mom!
I love how the cousins seem to always find a buddy to bond with. Tryg and Timmy playing with their trucks in the sand...
Allie and Luke being goofy....
Nothing beats a sunny day at the beach in Beautiful San Diego! The next day we headed up to L.A. to see Mark and Jen's grandpa play baseball. Hard to believe he is 87!
It was great...the baseball field had a park right next to it so the kids had a blast..
I had to include the drool shot. Tryg and Grace did some bonding of their own...
Next up...the annual Easter egg hunt at the local Westwood club. Luke is quickly becoming my competitive child which I must say I kind of like :). The Easter egg hunts were divided into age groups and each hunt had a few stuffed bunnies for the taking so Luke sized up the competition, got his eyes set on the one he wanted and when they got the green light, he was off. He got his bunny and made out pretty well with the candy too... I was very proud :). CJ didn't really need a basket full of candy...he just hijacked Molly's cheerio tray instead. Then it was back to the house for the requisite Easter egg decorating. Dylan got back from Las Vegas just in time to dye some eggs... After all the week's activities these two win the prize of accomplishing the most bonding time. Tryg and Grace = B/F/F Molly celebrated her first Easter and scored some baby snacks, socks, and sunglasses from the Easter bunny.
It was an eventful week with lots of kiddos, the normal chaos (only one child got lost the whole week), fun times, and happy memories!


  1. What a fun week! What gorgeous pictures--must be a great photographer! It is so nice that your kids have so many little cousins their same age so close by! Count your many blessings! The Olson family is awesome!!
    Love, Mommy

  2. I can't believe how old Dylan is looking!!! Crazy!!!! All the kids are adorable!!!
