Saturday, May 2, 2009

Finding Joy in the Journey

So I gave a lesson a couple weeks ago in Relief Society on President Monson's October conference talk titled "Finding Joy in the Journey". He stressed the importance of prioritizing the things that are really important in life and not letting the little things pass us by because they will be gone all too soon (i.e our kids and all their chaos). This was definitely a talk that felt like it was just for me and gave me an opportunity to really take a look at how and if I was truely finding joy in my journey. For those of you that know me, you know that I have a tough time enjoying the little things and being in the moment. I'm such a to do list - goal oriented type of person. After I quit my job last June and found myself having to adjust to a new change of pace, I actually thought that if I made a list and inlcuded things like change six diapers today, put Luke in time out, make Dylan's lunch, etc.. that I would feel better about my accomplishments for the day when I got to cross each one off. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids and I know that being at home with them is the right thing for our family....and I know that the rewards people tell me about usually come much later, but it is so dang tough for me to really enjoy my journey when things around me are in a state of chaos or when my "To Do" list is looming! President Monson had some great quotes in his talk that I need to plaster all over my house. One of my favorites is "Never let a problem to be solved be greater than a person to be loved". Since giving that lesson at church I have really tried to stop and enjoy the little things that will all too soon be a thing of the past (i.e. the messes they make, the fingerprints all over the windows, the noise, etc..). I know I don't usually share my deep thoughts on this blog but I thought I'd share this one. I took these pictures below when my natural reaction would have been to get a little frustrated but I decided to pause, laugh, get the camera out and Enjoy the Journey.....

I had literally just cleaned Lukes bedroom and the game closet when I stumbled across these impossible to get mad at faces! Seriously though...why do we bother???

And this one....Luke has been really into drawing lately. This time the masterpiece was his face...and arms...and feet. Of course this was not your easy to clean off ink. It took some scrubbing which Luke did not appreciate. I let him wear it for most of the day :).


  1. I LOVED that talk and also thought it was just for me. It runs through my head now fairly regularly. Our kids will be old soon, and so will we! And seriously - why the heck do we even bother cleaning rooms? Good thing they are all so cute.

  2. I so enjoyed being there for your lesson which I know was very personal for you. Glad you listened to yourself and Pres. Monson. Balance is good! I want another song added to our 35 years in 45 minutes. "You're Gonna Miss This" by Trace Adkins. I love that song!
    Love Mommy
    Barbara Cox

  3. i need that reminder EVERY DAY. i too easily forget. i like that you took is kinda funny!
