Friday, March 13, 2009

Another Trip to the ER

Well Luke took another trip to the Emergency Room a couple nights ago. This time it was because of a little too much rambunctious play with his brother Dylan. All I know is that it happened in the living room and there were pillows, a fort, and a coffee table involved. He came into the kitchen sobbing with a good amount of blood dripping down his head...enough to make Mom do the infamous AHHHHH!!. Dylan's account was that they were making a pillow bridge from the couch to the coffee table and Luke tried to cross it and fell and hit his head on the table (Gee I wonder why a pillow bridge wouldn't hold him :)). Once Dad cleaned it up you could see it was only about a 1/2 inch cut above his eyebrow, but it was split wide open so we thought he might need a couple stitches. .....BAD IDEA....
Dad took him to the emergency room at the hospital just down the street from us. I figured they'd be back in a couple hours...WRONG! Poor guys were there for 6 hours!!! RIDICULOUS!!

After a few hours Mark was convinced he could stitch it up himself. Let's just say there were a lot of uninsured individuals that were treating the ER as their routine care. It was way past Luke's bedtime....what a trooper.

Now, remember Dylan's account of what happened? Luke has a slightly different story in the video above. It looks like they need to update their expected wait time poster to include 1/2 inch laceration - 360 minutes!!

...and to top it off, when the doctor finally came in to see him, he decided they could just "glue" it. He didn't need stitches after all! I know I should be grateful that it wasn't worse...and I am, but c'mon - 6 hours for a $3 bottle of glue! Luke did a great job - didn't even shed a tear or wince when they were fixing him up....I think he just loved staying up until 1am! The nurse was very nice and gave him a little stuffed dog for being so patient (which he takes everywhere with him now). You could tell that Luke has now had a little experience with doctors and hospitals since his first instinct was to check the dog's ears.
Now back to who's to blame for this 'incident'. Was it Dylan??? I don't think so, he and Luke were in this together and the coffee table dent proves that Dylan did not hit him. You can't really blame a two year old for wanting to jump all over the furniture...but we can look at who has given him the idea that this type of behavior is okay???
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you exhibit A and B (make sure your sound is up) and then you tell me who's the real culprit here??? :)

If you know our little Lukie, you'll know that this probably wont be his last trip to an emergency room and if you know Mark, you would also know that he probably wont stop encouraging the craziness either:) Ahh....the joy of boys!


  1. I laughed and smiled as I read this adventure story! You are a very good writer Jo-you made it live!! I have not heard the sound video yet but will soon. Cute cute pictures. Love the dog!

  2. yeah, we could've told you bout the glue and even lent you some gorilla glue Ryan used on his eye a few weeks ago. that does not sound fun at all.
