Saturday, August 1, 2009

Round 2

After a week of Yosemite and one week at home we geared up for round 2. We got reservations 6 months ago for a week at San Elijo State Beach which was a miracle in and of itself (if you've ever tried to get reservations there you know what I mean). We were excited but I was definitely still recovering from the Yosemite trip. We borrowed my parents stylin' old school RV and since Grandma Cox can't pass up a couple days in the sun, they joined us for a few days.
which means...we were kickin' it in the tent. Our campsite was just a few steps away from the sand but unfortunately the back of our campsite was right next to the main road. Needless to say our first night was very noisy and sleepless. I tried to trick myself into thinking that the semi's and motorcycles zooming by were actually the sounds of the didn't work. There was even a train that came by about every 30 minutes which Tryg and Luke loved. Every time Tryg heard the "choo choo" he would chime in with "All aboard!". It was all good though because the rest of my nights included a little Tylenol PM, some ear plugs and I was sleeping like a baby!
Pretty much every day was spent on the sand soaking up the rays (what else are we going to do?). The weather was perfect all week! Tami, Brent and kids came down for a day too. Nights were spent around the campfire...and you can't do a beach campfire without the hot dogs (Costco hot dogs for mom and dad of course. I think they took some back in their suitcase to Utah since they don't sell the coveted Hebrew Nationals in the Utah Costco....I don't get it :)) We even talked Kenny and Jane into taking a 10 hour road trip in their new car to join us. Kenny has a hard time passing up the SD surf and as luck would have it the boys enjoyed some 6-7 footers the whole weekend. Brandon and Melanie came down for a night as well and we were good hosts as we gladly provided them with some ear plugs. Grandma and Grandpa Olson also came down for dinner on Friday night. Luke got some of his favorite "bike time" in and even got Grandma Olson to take a ride with him. By the end of the week we were pooped! I was seriously exhausted from sunscreening and showering kids off multiple times a day! That's luke in the towel with his hand hanging out...he was voluntarily taking a nap on the beach which tells you how tired he was. All in all it was a great week and we've got the tans to prove it. I think I'm still finding sand in my children's crevices! :) We're excited to do it again next year.....with a campsite away from the road of course :)


  1. It sounds like you guys had a great time with a variety of guests! To help the sand out of the crevices, try baby works wonders!!! Glad you had so much fun!!!

  2. maybe next time we'll be brave enough to actually stay the night...

  3. we seriously need to get some camping gear
