Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A new pair of shoes

First day of school means another new pair of shoes. Don't you just love the first day? They're all dressed up (in the clothes you pick out...lucky me, Dylan still lets me dress him :)) with their shiny new shoes that stay that way for about a day. Here's a little collage of Kindergarten through 3rd grade for Dylan....
And a little THEN and NOW...can't believe how much he's grown!
Doesn't want much to do with Mom these days...dreading the day that he wont kiss me on the cheek when he says goodbye. After that it's "Can you drop me off on the corner mom?" Another little THEN and NOW. Carson is Dylan's friend since before Kindergarten. They are only a few days apart, go to church and school together and now live just down the street from eachother. "Time for you to leave now Mom"
A few more years for these guys....


  1. Whoa - that first picture of Dylan sitting on the fireplace with the big open mouth smile looks so much like Jake! they could pass for brothers.

  2. WOW-he has changed a ton!!! What a good looking boy!

  3. Such cute pictures of Dylan. He is a special boy to me. You are doing a great job as his mom Jo-and you are keeping a great family history. Thanks for sharing.

  4. dylan is so big now!!!!!!!!!!! He has grown so much!
