Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The perks of not having a "job" anymore

Just a few pics from some of our latest outings. I titled this post "The perks of not having a job anymore" because I can remember when I was working for the AHA and would talk with friends of mine and they would tell me about how they went to the park with their kiddos that day, etc....I was totally jealous. I soooo wanted to have the freedom to do that with my kids and now I can! Although they can drive me to the point of pure exhaustion and frustration sometimes (especially now that the little ones have learned how to fight with each other) I am grateful that I get to spend these types of moments with them any time I want. Thanks Mark!
On a side note...This JOB of motherhood...way harder than that other "job"!!
Luke and his cousin Danny at the Zoo.
Trygve getting his feet all pruney at the new splashpark in 4S Ranch that we LOVE!! Thanks Krista for turning us on to it! Way easier than the beach :)

My cute boys


  1. Love the prune feet!
    It is a hard JOB to have! Even if it is going to the park and playing! Someones got to do it!

  2. Goodness Jo! They are getting sooo big. Enjoy the tough job of being the Mom, it is the fun moments at the park that make the not-so-fun moments of diaper changing worth it!

  3. cute pics of the boys at the zoo! and next time you go to that water park - call me.

  4. i love the pruney feet!

  5. sooooooooo cute!!!
    Mommy Cox
